Large long pothole around “what3words” exit.skins.towers
Reported via mobile in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 10:28, Tuesday 4 February 2025
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7082108.
Long deep pothole just before the crossing on the east bound carriageway between the 2 near side lanes causing vehicles to veer to the offside lane to avoid. Will cause significant damage to car wheels as quite deep. Has been there for 2 weeks at least and getting worse.
This pothole has clearly been reported multiple times. It's getting worse da by day. Why is it marled as 'closed'? It needs fixing asap before somebody is injure or cars damaged.
Posted anonymously at 17:15, Tuesday 4 February 2025
Hit this pothole close to this area in the dark, unable to see what is clearly a serious area of damage. The car shook and will inspect the wheels in the light when I can. Can’t believe the number of reports here, an accident waiting to happen.
Posted by Phil Allsop at 19:56, Tuesday 4 February 2025
This collection of potholes is becoming increasing damgerous for those turning from rhe A52 onto moor lane. It is also starting to deterorate into the bus lane
Posted anonymously at 22:25, Tuesday 4 February 2025
Thank you for making your report. We have asked our inspection team to attend this location and assess the issue.
If any work is needed, they will arrange for this to happen. Should no immediate work be required we will continue to monitor this during our regular inspections.
Although we always aim to complete repairs as quickly as possible, timescales do vary as we try to minimise disruption to customers by combining activities into single closures and always ensuring the safety of our people.
Kind regards National Highways
State changed to: Internal referral
Posted by National Highways at 10:06, Wednesday 5 February 2025
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.