Large potholes on slip road from junction 27 going north bound
Reported via mobile in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 19:47, Wednesday 29 January 2025
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 7055330.
I’m contacting you regarding a severe pothole on kilbourne road in Belper Derbyshire.
Today 28/1 I have damaged my front drivers side wheel as I hit a very large pothole that is situated on the mini roundabout adjacent to the Chinese.
The pothole not marked, or lit up and is not clearly visible in the dark.
My front drivers side wheel took a severe Knock. Which has caused damage to my car. Please advise I pursue a claim to the highways agency for the damage to my car.
Date of the incident 28/1/2025 Time : 18:09
Many thanks Nicola Hardy
Hello, I've noticed that the details in this report are incorrect. The pothole I hit was on the slip road at junction 27 of the M1 motorway travelling northbound.
This are several deep potholes that expand in a line. Difficult to see due to poor lighting and make it difficult to join M1 without hitting them. These have caused damage to my drivers side front wheel.
The slip road is in need of repair as these could cause serious damage and risk to vehicles having a blow out. Kind regards Nicola
Posted anonymously at 10:15, Friday 31 January 2025
Thank you for making your report. We have asked our inspection team to attend this location and assess the issue.
If any work is needed, they will arrange for this to happen. Should no immediate work be required we will continue to monitor this during our regular inspections.
Although we always aim to complete repairs as quickly as possible, timescales do vary as we try to minimise disruption to customers by combining activities into single closures and always ensuring the safety of our people.
Kind regards National Highways
State changed to: Internal referral
Posted by National Highways at 12:06, Tuesday 4 February 2025
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.