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Speed limit in tunnel

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 14:39, Friday 10 January 2025

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6962368.

The 40mph speed limit has been on place since summer, despite everything being on order, and nothing seems to be done about it. I commute through it every day and has made me waste hours already. When will it be fixed?

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  • Thank you for submitting this report.

    The works on the northbound traffic signal controller at Hindhead tunnel were successfully completed in the early hours of 17 December 2024. This marks a significant milestone in the project. We’ve been working as quickly as possible with experts in traffic signals throughout our supply chain to resolve this issue. However, as with all technology-based schemes, we’re now entering a period of operational monitoring. This phase will last for a minimum of 14 days, during which time the traffic signals will be carefully monitored to ensure that a fault-free period of at least 14 days is achieved. Should any faults occur during this period, the fault-free counter will be reset to zero, and monitoring will continue until the required period is met. Once the fault-free period has been successfully completed, a decision will be made regarding the potential lifting of current mitigations, including the 40mph speed limit. If all criteria are met, the tunnel will be returned to normal operations, and the speed limit will be raised to the national speed limit. Thank you for your patience and understanding while this speed limit has been in place.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 10:13, Tuesday 14 January 2025

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