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Unlit section of A27, including side road by Housedean

Reported via mobile in the Not working (NH) category anonymously at 10:50, Mon 4 November 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6691598.

Section of A27 from Falmer to Lewes. Dangerous for cyclists: no lighting. Dazzled by cars coming in opposite direction. Poor quality surface of bike path combined with lack of visibility means a risk of accident which could result into fall into road. Resurfacing of path required and lights where there are none. Widening the path would avoid cyclists having to swerve close to the road/into vegetation but I understand that this is challenging due to ownership structure.

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  • Thank you for making your report, we're aware of the condition of this cycle path and please be assured that we monitor its condition during our regular safety inspection when any maintenance safety defects are raised for attention.

    We work with limited budgets and while we understand your request for lighting and widening this is something we're aware of and have explored and continue to explore subject to our budget limitations.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 11:07, Wed 6 November 2024

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