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As before I am returning to the previously reported issues case 6573517

Reported via desktop in the Overgrown or obscuring view (NH) category anonymously at 16:29, Mon 21 October 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6642001.

The view at this junction remains obstructed and as you instructed me to, I have referred this to West Sussex. They have come back to me and provided me with a map indicating that this area belongs to National Highways, so I am coming back to you. I am happy to provide you with a copy of this communication but there doesn't appear to be an option to add attachments with this reporting tool. Please do contact me by email so that we can liaise directly. The vegetation is the cause of significant queues at peak times so does need to be cut back. Many thanks in advance.

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  • Thank you for your further report and please accept our apologies for the previous miscommunication on vegetation maintenance at the top of the slip road.

    We've carried out an inspection of the busy location today and while visibility is good from the Stop line and doesn't pose any immediate safety concerns our inspector has raised a works order for the vegetation to be cut back to the barrier as this will assist pedestrians using the crossing and those in lower vehicles.

    The cuts will be carried out within 28 days, subject to road space approval for the required traffic management.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 11:57, Mon 28 October 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.