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Signs missing

Reported via desktop in the Damage to Sign (NH) category anonymously at 13:59, Sat 5 October 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6554936.

There are no signs coming off the A4174 onto the M32 in either direction to show the change from the A4174's 50mph speed limit to the M32's national speed limit. This is causing drivers not familiar with the road to try to join the 70mph motorway traffic at 50mph. This is obviously unsafe, and national speed limit signs are needed on the slip roads to the M32 north and south.

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  • When approaching this spot from The Willows, there is a sign saying the motorway to the left leads to the M4 for Cardiff and Wales. In fact it also leads to the M4 for London. Because of th omission I wrongly travelled south on the M32 thyen had to come back. London and towns on the route to London should be mentioned, otherwise strangers fear they will only go towards Severn Bridge.

    Posted by ROBERT FREDERICK OSBORNE at 21:28, Sun 13 October 2024

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