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M27 Eastbound, Jct 9 - 10, End of works return to National Speed Limit sign missing.

Reported via desktop in the Sign Obscured (NH) category anonymously at 23:09, Tuesday 1 October 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6540441.

At the end of the average speed controlled/works zone (Jct 9) there is no National Speed Limit sign showing return to normal traffic conditions. It has been like this since the start of the works (1 month).

There is an End of Works sign, the road returns to full 4 lane traffic, yet no sign (digital or otherwise) showing the return to National Limit.

This results in a variation of speed kept by drivers until after Jct 11; some below 50mph, others over 70mph. This difference is affecting traffic flow and could be dangerous.

To solve the issue: Install temporary National Speed Limit signs at the end of the works.

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  • I’m sorry for any confusion or inconvenience these signs have caused you. I can appreciate your frustration at the lack of clear signage of where the free recovery starts or where the speed restrictions end and understand your concerns relating to this.

    Instead of the return to NSL signs, we have installed new signage just after the works (please the below picture for reference) indicating that the speed limit returns to the variable speed limit.

    This is determined by the signage on the overhead gantries (Variable Message Signs or VMS). Unless otherwise stated on these message boards, the NSL of 70mph still applies. This is a new approach that has been developed for works on Smart Motorways that have no hard shoulder (known as All Lanes Running or ALR). In these instances, you will no longer see the return to NSL signage across our works in ALR sections.

    Please be assured that unless there is overhead signage on our VMS stating otherwise, the national speed limit of 70mph applies when you see these signs.

    We appreciate your feedback which is invaluable to us as someone who uses our network, it helps us to identify issues that we can investigate or clarify further

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 07:30, Thursday 3 October 2024

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