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Bridleway access unsafe

Reported via desktop in the Pavement/footpath/cycleway/bridleway issue (NH) category anonymously at 14:53, Fri 20 September 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6494726.

Local equestrians are loosing more and more access to dedicated bridleways. The most recent lost is Lambleys Lane as it is now too unsafe to cross. Church Lane and Dankton Lane are also another 2 routes to Bridleways that is uncrossable on horse back.

I have raised this many times over the last 25yrs but yet no action has occurred. Now I am conscious of all the housing structures going in, I cannot see why that section of the A27 should not be made to a 50mph limit and a crossing suitable to be shared by horse riders, cyclists and pedestrians.

We are very disappointed that nothing has been done about this even with the support of the British Horse Society access office.

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  • Thank you for your report and concerns which have been passed to our Route Manager for noting our our Network Needs register for consideration in any future improvement schemes in the area.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 14:07, Mon 30 September 2024

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