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Missing or Not Visible Signs

Reported via mobile in the Sign Obscured (NH) category anonymously at 10:21, Thu 25 July 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6273813.

I would like to report an issue with the signage on the M1 between Junctions 30-28 within the 50mph roadworks area. Between these junctions, there were multiple occasions whereby the second lane was closed off and therefore forced you to merge into the third, however this what without any prior warning signs that the lane was about to close. This resulted in harsh braking and becoming stuck in a lane whilst lorry’s following close behind one another raced past. I myself got stuck in this position and then witnessed two other vehicles do the same behind me. Further down the road this merging of lanes again happened and I witnessed another car stuck trying to merge. This leads me to believe any closed lanes signs are either missing or not visible due to the maintenance vehicles in the roadworks area.

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    We are unable to process or respond to this type of enquiry or request on this platform. This is an issue related to a scheme and they will respond to you by using this link to send your enquiry>, from a safe place.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 12:17, Fri 26 July 2024

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