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Dangerously overgrown cycle path.

Reported via mobile in the Overgrown or obscuring view (NH) category anonymously at 18:27, Monday 8 July 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6205726.

Bushes encroaching the North side A52 cycle path from Radcliffe to Bingham making it dangerous for cyclists who are at risk of being pushed into the road and into oncoming fast moving motor vehicles....extremely dangerous to any cyclist/walker who use the path.

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  • Thank you for your report of bushes A52 Radcliffe to Bingham. Our inspector has been to look into this, but could you please provide a further location. Contact details as below: 0300 123 5000

    Posted by carol scholten at 09:04, Wednesday 10 July 2024

  • I see someone reported this on 8 July, it's now even more acute on 21st july. the hedge along the cycle path between bingham and radcliffe is so overgrown that cyclists have to cycle close to the edge, and close to oncoming traffic - one gust of wind and someone will be seriously injured. needs addressing asap

    Posted anonymously at 13:44, Sunday 21 July 2024

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