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Gravel from one of your lorrys

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned Materials (NH) category anonymously at 17:39, Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6124022.

I was driving behind a National highways lorry and could hear grit/gravel showering my car, coming from the lorry. Then there was a loud bang and a stone chipped my windscreen leaving a crack of around 14 inches. I’ve had to pay £75 excess on my insurance to get a whole new windscreen. This happened on Wednesday 12th June at around 11.35am. The lorry didn’t have a cover over the gravel!

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  • Thank you for your report.

    We're sorry to hear of the damage caused to your vehicle by a highways lorry. If you can provide further details such as a vehicle registration number the matter can be investigated further to establish if the lorry is part of our vehicle fleet.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 08:18, Wednesday 19 June 2024

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