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Left over road work debris loose materials

Reported via mobile in the Repairs and road layout (NH) category anonymously at 10:46, Sat 8 June 2024

FixMyStreet ref: 6080699.

Lots of excess rubble loose debris on the road leftover from road works that were moved last night. My car has sustained a puncture after running over this. I assume as it was at 5:50am I would have been one of the first few people to go into the newly refurbished road and hopefully all Is well now but I would like some compensation for my tyre as clearly the road was not swept sufficiently.

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  • Unfortunately we are unable to process or respond to this type of enquiry or request on this platform as it is designed purely for reporting of issues such as overgrown vegetation, potholes and damaged barriers etc.

    Please use this link to send your enquiry , from a safe place.

    Our Customer Contact Centre will then be able to direct your enquiry to the team most suited to assist you.

    Kind regards National Highways

    Category changed from ‘Abandoned Materials (NH)’ to ‘Repairs and road layout (NH)’

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by National Highways at 11:18, Sun 9 June 2024

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