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Unused signage frames, unnecessary signs, litter on island, damaged bollar

Reported via desktop in the Sign Obscured (NH) category anonymously at 19:59, Tue 4 June 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6063765.

At all junctions at Whitfield roundabout there are either sign frames with no sign attached, a sign A2B in Sandwich Road that serves no purpose, unused sandbags, damaged bollard at top of Whitfield Hill. The central carriageway island from A2 Canterbury is littered, so too the A2 verge outside McDonalds where there is a white board. This roundabout is a reflection on the village of Whitfield, Dover District Council and Kent County Council. May I ask you to please arrange for the relevant organisations to address these issues. I am aware that responsibility for the different elements within my list are shared. I do accept this is a very busy roundabout, and there will inevitably be signage at sometime or another. All I ask is for the unused and unnecessary signs, frames and sandbags be stored out of sight, and the central reservations and verges be kept clear of litter and other road debris.

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  • Thank you for your report. We’ve visited the site to assess the location and we’ve arranged for the damaged bollard to be removed from the sight within the next 30 days. We’ll also arrange during this time for the removal of any redundant traffic management items at this location which are no longer required. Litter is the responsibility of the local council along the A2 at this location, and we’ll continue to highlight this issue whilst offering them the opportunity to carry out street sweeping and litter clearance activities within our upcoming closures. Kind Regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 16:49, Tue 11 June 2024

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