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Overgrown Bank with Rodent Infestation

Reported via mobile in the Overgrown or obscuring view (NH) category anonymously at 23:01, Thu 16 May 2024

Sent to National Highways 3 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 5984471.

The motorway bank behind Church Meadow has not been maintained over the years and National Highways recently came out to attend the damaged fence which has since been removed and commented that it was likely the bank was now a rats maze. Several overgrown bushes and broken trees left to rot on the floor.

There have been reports of Rats and Mice on Hollins Mews and Church Meadow recently and increasingly over the the past few years.

National Highways Officer Amy said that the vegetation was reported around 7th April and would be updated on within 28 days. It’s been more than 28 days but there has been no update provided.

We are also waiting on an update from National Highways on the broken fence they removed and have not yet replaced. They were investigating whether the fence is their responsibility or not.

Any update on both issues would be good.

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    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by National Highways at 11:20, Tue 21 May 2024

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