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Dangerous driving from highway maintenance vehicle T333 COO. Vauxhall insignia.

Reported via mobile in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 17:29, Fri 5 April 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5813204.

Came flying up the sliproad from stamfordham road to a69 (south) around 5:20pm on 5/4/24. Travelling above speed limit, Tailgating me literally within inches of my bumper. I have this all on dashcam. At the a69 round he exited towards a69 in an agressive manner cutting accross lanes. T333 COO - Vauxhall insignia. Please do something about this im sure you should have tracker systems in place in all your vehicles.

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  • Thank you for your email of 5 April 2024 about a vehicle driving aggressively on the A69. We're sorry you encountered this behaviour and we appreciate you taking the time to contact us about the matter.

    We've checked our records and can confirm T333 COO is not a vehicle registered to National Highways. Please accept our sincere apologies that we're unable to assist you further with your enquiry.

    Thank you again for contacting us. If there is anything we can help you with, please email or telephone our Contact Centre. They’re available 24 hours a day by phone: 0300 123 5000 or by email Alternatively, please visit the National Highways website at

    Posted by Gemma Ford at 09:46, Tue 9 April 2024

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