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Wix Junction to Goose Green to Horsely Cross Roundabout. Verge dug up for utilities and not left landscaped, huge tyre tracks, not levelled or seeded as it should.

Reported via mobile in the Abandoned Materials (NH) category anonymously at 20:41, Mon 18 March 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5733604.

Landscaping not done and materials left - 3rd report, no action.

3rd time i have reported this now with no update from first apart from someone is being sent out. 2nd time told the sub contractors are being sent back to landscape and nothing has changed. Would be nice to be updated with what is happening. By the looks of it nothing and shame i keep having to chase, i drive past it every day and im am sure it should not be left like this. Similar repairs have been done at another location and that was landscaped and seeded.

Road works were undertaken on the verge of the A120 by a contractor fitting pipes under the ground for over a 3plus months ago from Wix Junction to Goose Green to Horsely Cross Roundabout. There is debris left along the stretch and more importantly when the undertook the work and finished they did not landscape the ground level as it was before and have left it like a building site with thick deep tracks all over the whole half mile stretch looks terrible. Surely that should be left landscaped and seeded as it was cut grass there before hand. Mud is all over the kurbs and onto the road. No one has done an inspection of the finished works clearly and its just been left.

Got worse with mud spilling over onto the main road.

To think europeans coming over on the boat at Harwich drive past that must wonder if we care.

Please can i be contacted with a date of the works

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    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by National Highways at 14:19, Thu 21 March 2024

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