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Notifiable poisonous plants

Reported via mobile in the Overgrown or obscuring view (NH) category by Fiona harter at 09:27, Monday 18 March 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5728726.

Due to unprecedented weather conditions this autum Ragwort and sycamore seedlings have been blown in extreme numbers into my land . Sycamore are not indigenous to this country and are highly toxic to horses . If they injgest 50 of the small seeding they die from the toxins . This is a massive problem for my business as they can’t be spot sprayed as numbers too vast . Please advise

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  • Thank you for making your report. Thank you for bringing your concerns regarding the influx of Ragwort and Sycamore seedlings on your land to our attention. We understand the severity of the situation, especially considering the potential risk these plants pose to horses.

    Regarding the issue of Sycamore trees, we regret to inform you that there is currently no official legislation mandating the felling of Sycamore trees near lands with horses. Consequently, we are unable to allocate funding and resources for their removal or maintenance in the manner you requested. However, there are numerous suggestions available from horse organizations online that offer guidance on managing this potential hazard without resorting to the removal of healthy trees, all while prioritising the welfare of the animals.

    Regarding Ragwort, we note that there has been no prior record of its presence near your location (51.45989, -1.108314). Our standard protocol involves treating Ragwort in high-priority locations, particularly those within 50 meters of land used for grazing by horses or other animals, or land used for feed/forage production. While we have scheduled crews for surveying and treating Ragwort in the upcoming months, we have also passed on your details for consideration, in case there is an opportunity for us to assist further.

    We appreciate your understanding of these limitations and assure you that we are committed to addressing concerns related to vegetation management in a manner that prioritises both environmental sustainability and animal welfare.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by National Highways at 17:08, Thursday 28 March 2024

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