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Dangerous cycling/walking conditions

Reported via desktop in the Pavement/footpath/cycleway/bridleway issue (NH) category anonymously at 09:47, Thu 15 February 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5579775.

As well as the extremely poor surface of the cycle path between Lewes and Falmer, the lack of any safety barrier is scary. Cyclists/pedestrians are expected to cycle immediately next to cars and HGVs travelling at the national speed limit (and beyond) without any form of protection. In the summer this is bad enough, but in poor weather this vital cycle route is unusable due to the danger posed by vehicles on the A27.

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  • Thank you for making your report.

    We have passed your concerns about this location to our team who will assess the area to determine if there are any safety critical repairs needed here.

    We can also confirm there are no future plans to install barriers at this time.

    Maintenance work has been taking place to trim the vegetation to bring back the full width of the path. We have also been replacing and repairing bollards along the road. Kind Regards,

    National Highways.

    Posted by National Highways at 16:34, Wed 28 February 2024

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