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Multiple lights, in excess of 100 lights

Reported via desktop in the Not working (NH) category anonymously at 13:03, Tue 23 January 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5480411.

Along the A1, from approx the following What3words locations ///pavilions.squirts.dock right down to ///irritable.pioneered.ranches there's over 100 street lights on both sides of the a 1 and central reservation not working, there's also ligjts that you look after on the Poulter Rise off ramp and roundabout and bridge out, the dover bottom turn offs and the turn offs at Markham moor all out, might be as many as 150, please can you send someone to come along at night and see as there's so many out it needs a mass order of new lamps/bulbs and these actioning asap

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