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Deep gouge in road on both sides of the carrigeway

Reported via desktop in the Road surface (NH) category anonymously at 15:08, Wednesday 17 January 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5456162.

On the M5 exit south where the slip road meets the a40 and on the opposite side just before the A40 meets the slip road from benhall Cheltenham there is deep gouges in the road which is dangerous for motorcycles. The gouges cause any two wheeled vehicle a real danger as the wheel once inthe crack cause the front wheel to track the direction of the crack and could cause a loss of control of the vehicle. This has happened due to the poor repaiur work recently and as such I have contacted the local newspaper as this could easily cause a fatality. I would suggest you give this matter some importance before you have the death of someone on your hands .

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  • This was still there earlier with a near miss caused by a vehicle swerving to avoid damages road

    Posted anonymously at 12:56, Tuesday 16 April 2024

  • This is a severe problem - particularly on the A40 westbound in the inside lane just before the exit slip road for the M5 junction. It would have the potential to cause significant damage to a vehicle, and I can appreciate a motorcyclist would have to swerve to avoid it. Please address it ASAP.

    Posted anonymously at 11:46, Saturday 20 April 2024

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