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The Sign and lighting showing Lane narrows to one is missing

Reported via desktop in the Damage to Sign (NH) category anonymously at 14:41, Wed 3 January 2024

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5387786.

The sign at the start of the West bound slip road has been knocked over and not replaced since around July 2019 according to Google Maps. (I can forward a copy of the info if you send me an address) As a result drivers dangerously overtake and then when the road narrows & they run out of road, the either attempt to force the left hand lane driver off the road or dangerously cross the chevrons. Please can you replace the signage, which shows that drivers in the right hand lane need to move over to the left. Even better, can you add road markings / arrows to reinforce this. This affects myself and other drivers, again today, someone tried to force me off the road and narrowly missed my car, then instead of slowing down / giving way, dangerously crossed the chevrons almost hitting another car. It would be really helpful if every slip road had this signage and additional road markings as although this junction is the worst for me, I also have similar issues on many over junctions.

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    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by National Highways at 09:15, Thu 4 January 2024

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