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Grass verge left very poor by contractors

Reported via desktop in the Abandoned Materials (NH) category by Barbara Suarez at 08:24, Tue 5 December 2023

FixMyStreet ref: 5282979.

Recently contractors laid pipe work along the verges of the carriageway, from Horsley Cross towards Wix, the first third was left nice and smooth and the grass is already starting to recover, the other 2/3 has been just left a rutted, pot holed disaster area that will never recover and looks awful, the contractors clearly did not complete the job satisfactorily. Could this be looked into please, it is an absolute eyesore.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways regarding the quality of works between Horsley Cross and Wix.

    It appears that the issue you are reporting has been reported already and is under investigation. Thank you for taking the time to raise this with us.

    Kind regards National Highways

    Category changed from ‘Overgrown or obscuring view (NH)’ to ‘Abandoned Materials (NH)’

    State changed to: Duplicate

    Posted by National Highways at 07:34, Thu 7 December 2023

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