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Large dead animals, no prevention, disgraceful to be left decomposing

Reported via mobile in the Off the carriageway (NH) category anonymously at 21:20, Mon 27 November 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5258994.

On my way to and from Cambridge from London at the weekend I saw at least four large dead animals, some decomposing and some recently killed. There was a sheep and a decapitated deer on the way to Cambridge, and a large mammal, possibly a badger and a recently killed deer on the way back. There were numerous small decomposing animals.

It is very distressing that there are no signs to motorists on an area of motorway that deer clearly often wander on to. There are no barriers to prevent animals getting killed. Why are these not put in place?

Why are these awful, mutilated deaths of animals, including large wild animals, left in plain view, where even small children can see them?

I was told that it is policy to leave wild animals to ‘decompose naturally’. These are not natural deaths and further measures need to be put in place to prevent them.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways about the animals on our network.

    Safety is our highest priority and any animals on the carriage way that pose a risk to vehicles and their occupants will be removed as quickly and safely as possible.

    Household pets, such as a dogs and cats, will be retrieved, and we endeavour to reunite pets with their owners if they can be identified through microchips or other identification. Wild animals, lying off the carriageway, on verges or the central reservation, are normally left to naturally decay unless they are a particular hazard, a danger to public health or there is a statutory obligation for testing or removal.

    Our local inspector team will make these assessments during their regular safety inspections.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by National Highways at 08:38, Tue 28 November 2023

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