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Reported via desktop in the Diversions/ Signposting/ traffic controls (NH) category anonymously at 12:07, Sun 19 November 2023

FixMyStreet ref: 5228952.

Traffic lights have been left here for a number of days now, causing bad congestion. Everytime I've driven past the 'work' site, there is no one there. Can you find out what is going on and when it is going to finish? This is a major route, and will only be even worse during the weekday.

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  • Thank you for your report regarding the temporary traffic signals at Guyhirn on the A47.

    This improvement work is being carried out by UK Power Networks and is planned to be active from the 20 November to 28 November 2023.

    Thank you again for taking the time to make this report.

    Kind regards National Highways

    Category changed from ‘Abandoned Materials (NH)’ to ‘Diversions/ Signposting/ traffic controls (NH)’

    State changed to: Internal referral

    Posted by National Highways at 07:33, Mon 20 November 2023

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