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Brenley corner traffic light

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 13:05, Fri 17 November 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5223815.

Traffic lights only green for 10s. Ridiculous queues all day long. Only 1 lorry and 1 car go through before it goes red again. On 7/11 you said the problem was fixed. It is not. Can you please fix it properly? It has now been a problem for 3 weeks

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  • This is still happening, over 10 minute ques every morning at 6am when a few weeks ago the wait would be no more than 1 minute. And that has been the case for the last 10 years i have been using this road every morning.

    Posted anonymously at 07:07, Mon 20 November 2023

  • Thank you for your report.

    We’re aware there is a traffic light sequencing fault at Brenley corner and apologise for any disruption this may have caused you. We have attended the site and reset the lights; however, this hasn’t rectified the issue. At present, further investigations are ongoing to establish the cause of the fault. Although we don’t currently have a time frame on when this will be fixed, we hope this will be resolved as soon as possible.

    Kind Regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 09:38, Mon 20 November 2023

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