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A34 / A420 Botley Road interchange no yellow boxes journeys now 1 hour+

Reported via mobile in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 11:57, Sun 8 October 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5073861.

Hopefully the AA, RAC or other organisation will have the legal firepower to challenge the decision to deliberately block this main arterial Interchange. No traffic is good traffic now it seems - but that's also carers, nurses midwives stuck for an extra hour plus for really no good reason. Unfortunately a court case will be needed to expose the deliberately obstructive decisions of OCC.

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  • Thank you for making your report. I’m sorry for the impact our works have had on your journey, I know this must be very frustrating. We’re carrying out essential bridge repairs on the A34 Botley interchange to keep the structure safe and secure. Roadworks are an essential part to maintaining our network and keeping it safe for road users and we always try to minimise the impact these have on the travelling public.

    Once again we apologies for any inconvenience caused due to our works.

    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 12:06, Mon 9 October 2023

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