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Someone not doing their job.

Reported via mobile in the Sign Obscured (NH) category anonymously at 18:46, Fri 22 September 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5022595.

Coming home to Chesterfield from Hull on Thursday evening I got to junction 29 south and found there was no access to Chesterfield because of roadworks on the roundabout. I finished up having to rejoin the motorway to junction 28, right to Alfreton, Clay Cross, Chesterfield. At no point from the M 18 junction did I see any advisory information to tell me what was happening. I could have left the motorway at junction 29A and saved myself a 30 mile roundtrip, 30/40 minutes of time and maybe 6/8 pounds worth of Diesel. All because some idiot didn't think to put the information on a board.

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    Kind regards National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by carol scholten at 11:26, Mon 25 September 2023

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