Highway Maintenance Driver Reckless!!!!
Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 09:25, Mon 4 September 2023
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4955642.
Reg: WM70 UZL Car: White Highway Maintenance Van Road: Lower Earley Way N and Rushey Way Time: 08:12 Date: 04/09/2023
Firstly you need to add a section on your website for National Highway's reckless drivers!
The road on Lower Earley N veers from a double road into a single road. This incompitent van driver overtook me almost hitting my vehicle as soon as it was a single lane. I was ahead and he should have waited like a normal person but no he had to be in front.
He then turned onto Rushey Way and at the roundabout (Rushey Way/Kilnsea Drive), sped through roundabout and did not give right of way to the car turning right into Kilnsea Drive. This is a school zone to add to this!!! Not going 20mph.
Disgusting and wreckless driving which needs to be reported. Your drivers are more dangerous that the current state of the roads.
Thank you for contacting National Highways.
We appreciate you bringing this concerning incident to our attention. We take road safety seriously and appreciate your vigilance in reporting reckless driving behavior.
Having investigated this, it doesn't appear that vehicle WM70 UZL is one of the vehicles included in our fleet. While it is labeled as a Highway Maintenance van, this is a standard label for working Highway vehicles and does not necessarily indicate that it belongs to National Highways.
However, we understand the importance of addressing reckless driving on our roads. We encourage you to report such incidents to the appropriate local authorities or law enforcement agencies, as they have the resources to investigate and take necessary actions.
Your safety and the safety of others on the road are of utmost importance to us, and we appreciate your efforts to raise awareness about this issue.
Kind regards,
National Highways
State changed to: not the council's responsibility
Posted by National Highways at 16:45, Thu 7 September 2023
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