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New barriers being installed on M1/M621

Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 10:11, Tue 8 August 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4869575.

While this is present along the M1 up and down the country, I wonder if NH has considered the impact of installing the concrete barriers along their motorways upon wildlife?

To be clear, I am writing from primarily a human safety point of view, in addition to the animal safety issues.

Driving up and down the M1 over the last week, I have noticed two instances of large animals dead next to the central reservation - one badger and one deer. Additionally there was the reported incident with a sheep on the M1 near Leeds a few weeks ago.

Previously with the tension crash barriers, should an animal get onto the carriageway, it could get through. Acknowledging that there is a least-worst option choice to make here, is it better to allow the animal to cross, potentially causing issues with both carriageways, or better to block the animal from crossing (keeping one carriageway clear) and potentially alarming the animal and pretty much guaranteeing a collision in the outside lane as it runs along the barrier trying to find a way through?

I appreciate there are no good options here, but what does NH use to judge whether this is a safe option or not?


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