Dangerous mini roundabout
Reported via desktop in the Structures (eg bridges, fencing, noise barriers) (NH) category anonymously at 13:00, Wed 2 August 2023
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4851268.
Dear sirs I, and anyone else to whom I speak on the subject, am appalled at the poor driving standards often witnessed in the area. One of the problems is the mini roundabout at st Leonard’s. For some time it has been challenging to get out of the village, as motorists do not see a reason to stop or slow at the mini roundabouts. If a vehicle is coming round the mini roundabout, cars will keep going, so that the vehicle with supposed right of way, has to slow, or sometimes even stop, on the roundabout itself, and meanwhile, the traffic keeps coming, as the cars behind those that should have slowed or stopped, also keep on coming, nearly pushing the vehicle coming round the roundabout.! That leaves no chance of traffic emerging from st Leonards/st ives! It would be an improvement if the st Leonard’s roundabout could be enlarged, giving more time for traffic to go round, and more chance of the A31 traffic to slow to go round the roundabout, and more time for traffic to emerge. I do not know if the proposed surf area, or whatever it is, is going ahead, and I pray it does not, as this would impact severely on nature, bats, and we villagers, roads, parking etc, but any development on that land means increased traffic, and increased danger on that roundabout, on which there have been accidents already. One local lady gave up driving after she was hit by a car that failed to stop as she was turning right. I consider myself a competent, and very experienced driver, but do worry when negotiating that roundabout, as I have nearly been hit, and had to stop on the roundabout when vehicles have declined to give way as decreed by the road laws, and the Highway Code. Many thanks in anticipation of your consideration of this request.
Thank you for making your report. We have asked our inspection team to attend this location and assess the issue. If any work is needed, they will arrange for this to happen. Should no immediate work be required we will continue to monitor this during our regular inspections.
Although we always aim to complete repairs as quickly as possible, timescales do vary as we try to minimise disruption to customers by combining activities into single closures and always ensuring the safety of our people.
Kind regards National Highways
State changed to: Internal referral
Posted by National Highways at 08:42, Fri 4 August 2023
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