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Missing - 7.5t bridge ahead sign

Reported via desktop in the Sign Obscured (NH) category anonymously at 15:16, Thu 20 July 2023

FixMyStreet ref: 4808470.

Hi, I assume at some point there was a sign on the A12 N.Bound, in advance of the Domsey Chase track stating NO HGV ACCESS and warning HGV traffic not to turn left onto Domsey Chase due to the 7.5tonne weight limit on the railway bridge on the lane. In the past 3 weeks we've seen 3 x HGV lorries who have turned onto Domsey Chase and then had to have assistance reversing back onto the A12. To me this seems a massive safety risk and a sign should be erected ASAP.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways.

    Unfortunately Domsey Chase is shown as a private road. An existing sign warns drivers that it is private and must only be used for access to the properties.

    Thank you again for taking the time to highlight this issue.

    Kind regards,

    National Highways

    Category changed from ‘Damage to Sign (NH)’ to ‘Sign Obscured (NH)’

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by National Highways at 08:04, Fri 21 July 2023

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