Status unknown
Blocked drain, muddy and slippery floor slabs
Reported via desktop in the Flooding/drainage (NH) category anonymously at 10:12, Thu 20 July 2023
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4807006.
This pedestrian underpass between Birch Grove and Claudius Gardens, Eastleigh, has a history of poor maintenance and has been muddy with blocked drain and gully for months. You told me previously that you had an agreement with Eastleigh Borough Council to do routine maintenance, but the council has rejected my complaint and referred me, incorrectly, to Hampshire Highways. Can you please tell me if this agreement is still valid so that I can pursue my complaint and get this underpass into safe and acceptable condition?
Apology and remediation from Eastleigh Borough Council dated 21 July:
Please accept my apologies that the service of the reply was not helpful and you have had to seek further advice to an answer that could have been easily resolved.
You are correct in the agency agreement from Highways, I have sought advice from the originator of the response that was sent and it is an error on our part that this was sent with the wrong information.
To resolve this as the underpass and connected drainage should be maintained and cleaned on a scheduled/regular basis.
I have requested that as matter of urgency and of safety as this is a public right of way that the underpass is cleaned on Monday morning and the drain/gully is cleaned out so it becomes free flowing.
Please once again accept my apologies that you had to send another email pointing out this failure in our service, I hope this is acceptable.
Regards Steve Ross Operations Manager
Posted anonymously at 16:56, Fri 21 July 2023
It seems no public body wants to look after this subway. Email from Eastleigh Borough Council dated 2 October: As you will see the subway has now been cleared. For information, Eastleigh Borough Council are responsible for the street cleansing element of this work. This is anything above the ground, including the dished drainage channel that was heavily silted up. Hampshire County Council (HCC) are responsible for the drainage network – anything below the ground including gully pots and soakaways. We have been in contact with the Highways Manager for the south at HCC regarding your complaint. It appears HCC were unaware of the gully and soakaway present in this subway and therefore they have not been maintained for some time. These highway assets have now been added to HCCs asset register and will be included in future routine maintenance.
Posted anonymously at 20:28, Tue 3 October 2023
This drain is blocked again causing water and mud to be spilt across the floor slabs, already slippery from constant rain.
Posted anonymously at 16:25, Fri 18 October 2024
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