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Diversion signage or lack of?

Reported via mobile in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 11:16, Sun 25 June 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4713195.

Whatever signage you have explaining the A34 closure and diversions to be read as you travel north towards the Botley interchange is still not adequate to prevent people from driving east along the Botley Road (A420) to try and get through to Oxford despite its closure at the railway station. I live in the final side street before the railway and yet again we are experiencing streams of cars coming down the street with some drivers telling us that they are following a diversion. I'm loath to believe what I've been told, that the A34 signs say the diversion is through Oxford, something not currently possible.

The local authority say that the management of this end of Botley Road is the reponsibility of Kier, the contractors for the railway works. They are unresponsive, or say that motorists are unwilling to comply with their staff's information.

I've ceased to care about who is in theory responsible but am very concerned that this is not ony unpleasant and inconvenient for locals and drivers, but unsafe at times, as some motorists are so frustrated they are driving aggressively and much too fast in our narrow residential street.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can something be done to make this diversion work better.

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  • Thank you for your report concerning the diversion route on the A34.

    We have passed your report on to the relevant department who will investigate your concerns. In the future could you please report issues such as this to our Customer Contact Centre as this reporting tool is designed for defects such as a broken sign or barrier, litter, overgrown vegetation or potholes.

    Our Customer Contact Centre, available 24 hours a day at:

    • 0300 123 5000


    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 13:17, Mon 26 June 2023

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