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Traffic Lights on Tinsley Viaduct - South bound

Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 12:39, Wed 14 June 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4671782.

The lights change once compared to the other junctions which change 3 times before these do and then they only let 4/5 vehicles through before they change again. I was sat for 30 minutes on Friday 9th June.

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  • Thank you for your email of 14 June 2023 about the traffic lights on the Tinsley viaduct being out of sync. We appreciate you taking the time to contact us about the issue and are sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    We've checked and can confirm the issue was caused by recent power failures in the area. The power failures in turn meant our systems that run the sequences for the traffic lights failed. This occurrence happens very infrequently, but we've re-set the sequences, the timings have been monitored and we believe the issue has been resolved.

    Thank you again for contacting us. If there is anything we can help you with, please email or telephone our Contact Centre. They’re available 24 hours a day by phone: 0300 123 5000 or by email Alternatively, please visit the National Highways website at

    Kind regards Gemma Ford Business Services Coordinator Business Services Team National Highways |Calder view house | Calder Park | Wakefield | WF2 7UA Web: Follow us on Twitter @HighwaysYORKS and @HighwaysNEast

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Gemma Ford at 11:37, Mon 26 June 2023

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