6 streets lights not working on and around the roundabout.
Reported via Android in the Street lighting (NH) category by Sarah Mosedale (Clerk to Pevensey Parish Council) at 12:07, Mon 5 June 2023
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4633012.
There are 6 lights not working on the perimeter of the roundabout, 4 in Bexhill Road, and 1 in the A27 bypass. A section of the roundabout is used by predestines to get to the garage and surround areas. It has been reported drives are unable to see them in dark due to poor lighting. This was reported over a year ago and the lights are still not working. Do you have an update on the situation.
I have reported this problem several times to PPC. The overgrown verge and lack of street lighting on the left hand side on the exit lane from Bexhill Road. Last night was a wake up call on how dangerous it is due to the low lighting level and limited visibility for both pedestrians and vehicle drivers alike in this area. Pedestrians have to walk in the road due to the unsafe overgrown verge, and limited visibility. On coming vehicles cannot see anybody walking in the road or for that matter along the edge of the verge due to the screening effect of the Pevensey Entry feature wooden street architecture and the screening affect of the overhanging trees and low level vegetation on the verge itself.
This area is extremely dangerous, and in my opinion an accident waiting to happen if something is not done about it soon.
Posted anonymously at 09:25, Tue 6 June 2023
Thank you for your report concerning street lighting.
We’re aware of this and an instruction has been placed with our lighting engineers to attend and carry out lantern replacement or investigate if further issues are found. this will be subject to suitable traffic management approval.
Kind regards
National Highways
State changed to: Closed
Posted by National Highways at 14:59, Tue 20 June 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.