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Too much traffic jams on the sliproad TRAFFIC LIGHTS NEEDED

Reported via mobile in the Traffic lights (NH) category anonymously at 22:57, Sun 28 May 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4605871.

If you see in the pictures of the traffic backing up onto the A1 there needs to be part time traffic signals its so hard getting through theses queues and it dangerous its backing up onto the A1 they should of been traffic signals in put here when they put part time traffic signals on here why didnt you put no traffic signals there for? National Highways please do something about this

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  • Thank you contacting us via FixMyStreet on 28 May 2023 regarding the operation of the A1 junction 67, Coalhouse Roundabout.

    We can advise that during 2015 part-time signalisation was added to two of the approach arms to A1 junction 67, Coalhouse Roundabout (the northbound A1 off-slip and Kingsway South).

    Improvements are currently being made to the junction as part of our A1 junctions 65-67 Birtley to Coalhouse improvement scheme. This involves the widening of the bridge over the junction to accommodate the additional lanes the scheme is providing. This scheme is not proposing to signalise the whole junction or provide an additional lane on the gyratory.

    There’s a need to monitor the impact of the improvements being delivered as part of the Birtley to Coalhouse scheme to identify their effect upon the junction before further interventions are considered. Accordingly, we’re planning to study the operation of the junction during the third Road Investment Strategy (RIS3) period (2025-2030) to identify whether further improvement is required and what form these improvements might take.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your observations on the performance of the junction with us. These observations have been shared with the team who will be studying the operation of the junction during RIS3.

    If you require any further update on this issue our Customer Contact Centre is available 24 hours a day at:

    • 0300 123 5000


    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 16:02, Thu 8 June 2023

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