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I Passed a gantry and noticed 6 flashes in rear view mirror

Reported via desktop in the Sign issue (NH) category by Gordon Adie at 13:01, Mon 15 May 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4556118.

I can't say exactly where it was somewhere on the south eastern side of Reading. At 0615ish this morning as driving West on M4,an overhead signal having warned of lane closure left, and then the red x over the left hand (former hard shoulder) lane I saw six (?) flashes behind control was at 70 first I assumed someone in closed 'red crossed lane', but six flashes(?), I'd already moved out. It couldn't be me(?) ....the next gantry overhead I approached had the big red 40 lit up and the word incident ....for which I slowed .....there was further ahead a bollard surrounded vehicle or trailer(?) with Premier ship or Premierleague on it and a policeman.

I have now got home to Cornwall, and am trying to work out how to report the possibility that the overhead gantry with the 6 flashes of camera may have been faulty..... as there had been no sign to go at less than National speed limit.....until after the flashes. More selfishly I don't want to be accused of speeding.

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  • Thank you for your report concerning camera flashes.

    We've passed this enquiry onto the relevant team for review. We will continue to monitor this and will arrange any required work if the situation changes.

    If you require any further update on this issue our Customer Contact Centre is available 24 hours a day at:

    • 0300 123 5000


    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 11:58, Tue 23 May 2023

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