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Dropped kerb needed on the south side of the junction where the bridleway (part of Sustrans National Cycle Network Route 48) meets the carriageway

Reported via desktop in the Pavement/footpath issue (NH) category by Hugh McClintock at 18:14, Sun 14 May 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4553195.

Dropped kerb needed please! This should surely have been provided when this section of the A46 was dualled more than 10 years ago!

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways through our ‘report a problem on our network’ website. This facility is specifically for reporting defects such as a broken sign or barrier, litter, overgrown vegetation or potholes. Unfortunately, we’re unable to reply through the website for the type of report you’ve made on this occasion, and kindly ask you to contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or at if you’d like us to respond.

    Posted anonymously at 10:29, Mon 15 May 2023

  • To provide an upgraded crossing at the location you have requested would sit within the boundary of the Local Highway Authority and as such is not a matter for National Highways on this occasion. However, I would agree that an upgraded crossing here would be of benefit but would suggest that the existing crossing to the east of the junction (although less direct) is more appropriate. I note that there is a desire line worn within the verge linking the Sustrans route and the eastern crossing and an improvement here would fall into the remit of National Highways. Unfortunately, our funding allocation for the current Roads Investment Strategy (RIS 2) is fully allocated and we are unable to progress a scheme here in the short term. Your request for upgraded facilities including provision of direction signing has been recorded on our needs list and we will of course reconsider should any alternative funding become available in the meantime.

    Posted anonymously at 11:30, Tue 23 May 2023

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