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Urgent-Norcross roundabout FY5 faded lane road signs.

Reported via mobile in the Road markings (NH) category anonymously at 10:59, Thu 27 April 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4492064.

There was another accident here this week. The road signs have faded which is adding to the problem at a very busy roundabout. Why do you paint them on the road; we can’t see them if a car is sitting on them? More signage is needed to stop the lane jumpers. There should be traffic lights at the Carleton entrance- we have to deal with 5 lanes of traffic coming at us and take a wild guess at when the traffic lights change and then go across 3 lanes to turn right! Nearly all the accidents happen at this entrance/exit. It’s been a problem since day one. They come down the hill doing 60mph and don’t slow down. It’s known locally as Norcrash.

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  • There is an accident on this new roundabout almost on a daily basis. This one and the new Poulton debacle are just too dangerous. Whoever you use to plan these two things, please sack them! Unfit for purpose both of them! Urgent action needed

    Posted anonymously at 17:28, Sun 30 April 2023

  • Thank you for contacting National Highways,

    We're sorry to hear there have been accidents at the roundabout. Your report has been passed to our area inspector who will assess the road markings and if there's a requirement for additional signage.

    If we can help with anything else please contact our 24hr contact centre on:

    Telephone 0300 123 5000 Email

    Kind regards, National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 11:05, Tue 2 May 2023

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