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Lifting drainage grate

Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 13:48, Wed 19 April 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4461162.

One the way out of the village of Moreton-On-Lugg, just short of the junction with the A49, there is a drainage grate that is lifting. It jumps every time someone drives over it and the road surface around it is starting to crumble. It is gradually getting worse and if it breaks loose completely, it will do some serious damage to a car or pedestrian. Thanks

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways regarding a lifted drain grate.

    National Highways manage motorways and certain ‘A’ road trunks roads in England, all other roads are the responsibility local authorities. Contact details for local authorities can be found by using the search facility at:

    This is managed by Hereford Council, our inspectors visited the area on 3 May and have informed Hereford Council of the drain grate to be repaired immediately.

    Kind regards,

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 10:57, Thu 4 May 2023

  • Being fixed today 6/6/23

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 12:36, Wed 7 June 2023

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