Disasterous road layout and bypass road excuses
Reported via desktop in the Traffic lights (NH) category by Chris C at 16:39, Sun 16 April 2023
Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4446835.
I seriously think that National Highways think we are all idiots. Taking a perfectly good, reasonably sized roundabout out and replacing with a complete joke of a traffic light system that has caused untold misery and mayhem to our communities. National Highways/Highways England stated that this new bypass would improve journey times, reduce congestion, be more safe for pedestrians and cyclists etc and make our journeys better.
Well, I'm sure many tens of thousands of us would disagree with them. What used to take me around 3 to 5 mins even at busy times using the previous roundabout is now taking me in excess of 18 to 25mins every day. That's valuable time out of my private and personal life that I won't get back. Valuable time that I spend with my family and this applies to many, many other thousands of drivers who now have to put up with this crazy waste of £155million white elephant bypass road that achieves absolutely nothing whatsoever except to make Keir the main contractor more wealthy. It's now going to have 1 more set of traffic lights than we previously had and is approx 0.6miles longer to go from the Skippool Rd/ Breck Rd/A585 junction to the Windy Harbour A585/A586 junction. Existing single carriageway roads leading up to a new £155million dual carriagway bypass road and back into a single carriageway roads. Effectively bottlenecks or pinch points within an already overloaded roads network in our area that National Highways has already conceded/admitted will be at capacity by 2025 if it isn't already. The simple solution if any of you would've kindly asked us to reveal to you, or, if you'd actually carried out a proper study of the area would be to switch off the traffic lights at Shard Rd/Mains Lane A585/A588, Singleton Junction A585/A586/B5260 and Windy Harbour A585/A588 junction and install temproary roundabouts to see what happens. Many of us around here could tell you what happens, the traffic issues disappear when the lights fail and there was never any problems. Some of the main problems came from the timings and phasing of the existing traffic lights especially at A585/A586/B5260 Singleton Junction because they were all wrong but you never even tried changing them did you? So, because you've now completely ruined our travel times and removed our perfectly good roundabout and installed temporary lights whilst you build the islands/refuges for the permenant lights which have led to massive and ridculous congestion far, far worse than we ever had, you've now adjusted those other lights at A585/A586 Singleton junction to alleviate the congestion you've caused to try and make the installation of these unnecessary traffic lights look like something they will never be, useful and appropriate.
This should've been done first as we all live around here and can tell you the traffic congestion almost disappeared entirely when these lights didn't work. The same applies to the Norcross Roundabout just up the road from this location that you also runied and made into an accident blackspot. In the 3 years since this was completed there has been more than 10 times the accidents than at the same point for the previous 22 years prior to you meddling with it. Amazingly, yet another waste of public funds to the tune of £38million pounds I'm led to believe. Absolutely disgraceful waste of public money and you all should be very rightly ashamed of yourselves because you're interfering with our roads and lack of actual quantifyiable improvements has also now led to the local Council allowing 3,000 more homes to be built on the back of these crazy road schemes that you have afflicted us with that have and will continue to overload our roads even more.
And when the permanent lights are installed at this junction with the programming from the temporary lights that you are currently using us all for guinea pigs for, it'll never, ever in a the rest of our lives be as effeicient as even the roundabout you took away. Never, and you damn well know it. You have hoodwinked the drivers and other road users in this entire area of the North West and for that you should all be sacked and banned from anything to do with on planning road schemes. My 11 year old daughter could plan better on the back of a Weetabix box. Shameful, disgusting people making up a need for a bypass road that achieves nothing that wasn't needed in the first place.
This obscene amount of money could possibly have fixed all the potholes in Lancashire and these roads certainly need them fixing or, given to the NHS or, donated to a charity for cancer research and the list goes on. I hope you don't sleep at night and if you do you have no conscience or decency. It really does prove that clowns don't need to wear clown outfits. This is as polite as I can be considering the total mess you've made.
Thank you for your report concerning the A585 road layout.
We have passed your report on to the relevant department who will investigate your concerns. In the future could you please report issues such as this to our Customer Contact Centre as this reporting tool is designed for defects such as a broken sign or barrier, litter, overgrown vegetation or potholes.
Our Customer Contact Centre, available 24 hours a day at:
• 0300 123 5000
Kind regards
National Highways
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Posted by National Highways at 09:45, Fri 21 April 2023
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