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Only one gantry sign at 50 between j17 and j18 on m6 northbound

Reported via desktop in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 19:23, Thu 30 March 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4379019.

Only one gantry at 50 rest were all blank this was on 21.03.23 at 1.47 in the everyone sped up to 70. Now I have an nip. Can you explain why all gantrys were not displaying 50? Blank gantry sign is 70 yes?

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  • Thank you for contacting us about the signals set on the M6 J17-18. This type of request is one we handle under normal business processes, and therefore it is not being responded to under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

    National Highways may implement reduced speed limits for a variety of reasons, to ensure the safe operation of the strategic road network for our workforce and road users. The original restriction remains in place until either a National Speed Limit symbol, an END or a new speed limit is displayed. A blank signal does not negate or cancel the original restriction. Please be aware that mandatory [variable] speed limits must be complied with, regardless of why they are set, and the police are responsible for enforcing the law.

    National Highways is not an enforcement or prosecution authority, and therefore any further correspondence on this matter should be addressed to the relevant police force or to the court with conduct of the matter. If you have received a Notice of Intended Prosecution, the relevant contact details should be contained within the Notice. If you would prefer a more detailed response, please direct your enquiry to our 24hr Customer Contact Centre email: tel: 0300 123 5000

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 13:59, Thu 13 April 2023

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