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Building work has caused no usable footpath

Reported via desktop in the Pavement/footpath issue (NH) category anonymously at 17:08, Tue 28 March 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4369556.

Building work is taking place along the A23, new housing. The footpath outside the site is now completely unusable as it is thick with mud from the site plant coming in and out. Pedestrians have been crossing over to use the opposite path but the workman are now all parking their vehicles on the opposite footpath so now there is nowhere for anyone to walk other than in the road. I watched a lady this morning having to walk her pram in the road on the busy main A23m this is an accident waiting to happen. The public need a footpath.

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  • Again having to walk inthe main road !!

    Posted anonymously at 07:19, Thu 30 March 2023

  • The path outside this site has been unpassable now for months. The site itself looks like a Health & Safety nightmare!

    Posted anonymously at 09:20, Thu 30 March 2023

  • I have also contacted Surrey County Council today as this situation is totally unacceptable

    Posted anonymously at 15:34, Thu 30 March 2023

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