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Sign implying "RH lane is closed to vehicles turning right" is misleading

Reported via desktop in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 10:06, Sun 26 March 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4359426.

There is a sign at the westbound approach to Priory Island showing the right-hand lane of three is closed, supplemented by an arrow above the sign implying it applies to turning traffic (presumably onto Wollaton Vale). However, taking the middle lane when turning right onto Wollaton Vale (or doubling back onto the eastbound A52 ) brings such traffic into conflict with traffic in the RH lane continuing straight ahead on the westbound A52, and this resulted in a near miss for me yesterday. In fact the RH lane is not closed for right-turning traffic, it is the LH lane exiting Priory Island onto Wollaton Vale (and I think further round again for traffic exiting onto the eastbound A52) that is closed, so to me this sign is both unnecesssary (traffic using the RH lane will not be obstructed) and misleading (as anyone obeying it will potentially come into conflict with other traffic). I don't know how long this issue has been present.

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