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Failed columns Tyne Crossing - North Brunton Interchange

Reported via desktop in the Street lighting (NH) category anonymously at 22:02, Tue 28 February 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4272159.

On 20 February at about 18.15 hrs I joined the northbound lane near the Tyne Crossing . A cloudy evening hence already very dark. A significant number of the "central barrier" tall lighting columns were out of action. Not only a case for Re-lamping . in some positions 7 -8 columns in a row were out of action. Also over 50 of the tree protection tubes on the embankments had not been hammered into the ground far enough (by Costain) and being cylindrical risk rolling across the carriageway during windy conditions. The latter more evident on the stretch north of the turn off for the Airport.

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  • Thank you for reporting this issue to us via FixMyStreet.

    We appreciate the time you’ve taken to contact us about this.

    We've reported this to the maintenance team responsible for the scheme. We can advise that the central reservation lights have been repaired, and the tree tubes have been secured with any debris removed. Our contractor Costain have a two year plan to continue to maintain the trees and tubes after the scheme is complete.

    Kind Regards, National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 10:18, Mon 6 March 2023

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