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Incorrect information

Reported via mobile in the Sign issue (NH) category anonymously at 16:17, Fri 24 February 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4261324.

Electronic sign indicates that the driving time between J30 and J31 is 2 minutes. This needs changing, because it would require an AVERAGE speed in excess of 100mph.

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  • Thanks for your report regarding electronic signs on the M5 that indicates that the driving time between J30 and J31.

    We don’t have a VMS which states journey time between J30 and J31 specifically, so believe you're querying the fact that on occasion the time shown to travel to J31 is 2 minutes longer than that for J30.

    This does not mean that we are saying its two minutes to do the section J30-J31. The journey time is averaged across the whole section.

    J27-J30 is 16 miles. At 16 mins, this equates to an average speed of 60MPH for the journey.

    J27-J31 is 19.4 miles. At 18 mins, this equates to an average speed of 65MPH for the journey.

    There is also an element of prediction and adjustment in the figures. We do not put times on the VMS which would mean needing to break the speed limit to achieve – even if the real time traffic data shows that in fact this is the case.

    We hope this helps explain further, and are sorry for the confusion caused.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by National Highways at 14:44, Fri 3 March 2023

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