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M5 J30 Southbound to A38 Halden Hill - Litter

Reported via desktop in the Litter (NH) category anonymously at 14:00, Wed 1 February 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4193118.

There is a large amount of litter on both the Northbound and Southbound carriageways. The litter is on the grass embankment, grass verge, hard shoulder and central reservation. LItter consists of household rubbish, plastic, tyre treads, road signs, road sign holders, cones.

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  • Thank you for contacting National Highways concerning litter.

    We shall look into the issue on the M5 and aim to provide a response by 15/02/23.

    National Highways, as the government owned company is responsible for the Strategic Road Network in England. Under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, we’re responsible for collecting litter on England’s motorways and a small number of trunk roads. Local authorities are responsible for collecting litter on most all-purpose trunk roads.

    Litter removal on the A38 is the responsibility of the local authority. You would need to bring your concerns to their attention.

    Can we please ask that you check back on this date for an update.

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    Posted by National Highways at 07:54, Fri 3 February 2023

  • Thank you for contacting National Highways concerning litter.

    Your concerns have been passed to our maintenance team. They will inspect the area within the next two days and if necessary arrange for the litter to be cleared.

    If you require any further information please contact our Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000 or

    Kind regards

    National Highways

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by National Highways at 13:29, Mon 6 February 2023

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.