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Dangerous Potholes

Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 13:50, Tue 31 January 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4189483.

I drive this road everyday and its getting ridiculous, cars are swerving to avoid the potholes, they stretch across both cariageways. Its causing damage to cars and risking accidents. I notice there is a 'humps' warning triangle setup.. not really sufficient and not correct use of the sign. Can we have some tarmac please?

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  • Went through this section on Saturday couldn't avoid the bad areas due to traffic ... ended up with a puncture were I could get my fingers into the hole in the side wall of my tyre, which had only been on the car a week. Had to wait 3 hours for recovery and then paid £210 for another tyre so I could continue my journey.. Absolutely disgraceful condition for a major road

    Posted anonymously at 17:57, Tue 31 January 2023

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