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Streetlight out, Tollerton Lane

Reported via desktop in the Street lighting (NH) category anonymously at 18:36, Thu 12 January 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4120974.

Streetlight on Tollerton Lane (near the junction with the A52 is out. It is the unit next to the directional P parking sign. Despite being on Tollerton Lane (NCC) road, the lighting assets on this section of Tollerton Lane are National Highways assets.

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  • Thank you for making us aware. We have recently conducted an inspection of the East Midlands Strategic Roads Network streetlighting and signage assets. Any safety critical defects are being identified and dealt with as a priority. Non-safety critical defects are dealt with over longer time scales dependent upon the specifics of the location. Usually, where there is only a single unlit lamp this is classed as non -safety critical. Wherever possible, work is scheduled alongside planned closures and upcoming schemes of work. While this can sometimes increase the time it takes to complete repairs, it does help to reduce disruption to the travelling public, and avoid any additional unnecessary closures on the network.

    Posted anonymously at 15:16, Wed 18 January 2023

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