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Deep pothole Eastbound on Edge of Road

Reported via desktop in the Pothole (NH) category anonymously at 07:36, Mon 2 January 2023

Sent to National Highways less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4075580.

I narrowly avoided this deep pothole last night. This one is going to be dangerous for cyclists and any driver who veers too close to the edge of the road. Can't give exact location as dashcam SD card became corrupt.

I lost count how many potholes I either hit or narrowly avoided in both directions on the A35 in the dark last night. I suggest you send one of those camera road surface survey vehicles from Honiton to Dorchester in both directions. Other people are reporting damage to their vehicles on this stretch of the A35.

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  • Don’t know if this has been fixed because I’ve not driven along this road since the report.

    Posted anonymously at 18:13, Mon 27 February 2023

  • Drove past this evening and its been fixed.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 00:13, Sat 23 September 2023

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